此筆記根據 Matlab 的說明文件步驟

Import, Export, and Conversion

Read and Write Image Data from Files

The basic data structure in MATLAB®, the array, is naturally suited to the representation of images. Using toolbox functions, you can import image data into the workspace from supported graphics files or scientific file formats. Conversely, you can export data from the workspace to a file in a supported graphics file or scientific file format. In addition, you can convert images from one format to another, or from one data type to another.

Generic File Import and Export

Generic File Import and Export

Work with DICOM Files

Work with DICOM Files

Work with DICOM Files

Work with RAW Files

Work with Specialized File Formats

Work with Specialized File Formats

High Dynamic Range Images

High dynamic range (HDR) images attempt to capture the whole range of brightness levels in real-world scenes (called scene-referred). HDR images contain a high level of detail, close to the range of human vision and exceeding the display range of the typical computer monitor. The toolbox includes functions that enable you to read, create, and write HDR images, and to reduce the dynamic range for display using tone-mapping.

High Dynamic Range Images

Blocked Images

Read and navigate very large images

A very large image may not fit into memory, which makes it challenging to display and process. The [blockedImage](<https://www.mathworks.com/help/images/ref/blockedimage.html>) object solves this problem by representing an image as a collection of smaller blocks of data that can be independently loaded and processed. A blockedImage object can support large images and images with one or multiple resolution levels.